CGR-043 50-Amp Rectifier for MAC Chargers (Universal Fit)
This "Lightning Resistant" rectifier differs from the standard rectifier. The rectifier in this listing is rated at 50 Amps as opposed to the standard 35 Amp rating. The benefit of a heavier duty rectifier is it's ability to tolerate power surges and lightning strikes. A rectifier helps the charger "absorb the shock" of a surge, and this rectifier performs much better in a situation such as this. Nearly double the voltage capacity to be exact. The standard rectifier is 35Amp/400 Surge Volts, this is 50Amp/600Volts. Charging performance will not differ with either kit but it will be far more tolerant of unpleasant weather. This is actually the standard replacement part from Club Car for these chargers now. The 35 Amp rectifier is no longer available at a dealer.
103517601, 102273501; 4435, 4441